Fixed-Ops Automotive Solutions
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Toyota warranty claim coding and Online Toyota Service Menus the way they should be
John Dynan
5166 Grand Cypress Ct.
Fort Collins, CO 80528
(800) 596-7507 or 410-924-1356
"WOW this is what we have needed for years, it's really a 'no brainier' for the price". This is what I would hear when I used to walk into a Toyota/Lexus dealership and explain warranty coding app to the Service Director/Manager. This reaction usually occurs about 5 minutes into my explanation of how the app works. Another common reaction is: "I can't believe you made them work so easily, efficiently and included so much information".

The Warranty Coding program was designed to be used from the ASM's and the Warranty Admin to the technicians. Many dealers, who use the Fixed-ops app, now have the technicians code their own warranty repairs due to this programs ease of use and accuracy. One testament to its value is that the yearly renewal rate from the using dealers is almost 95%, because of the apps accuracy and low cost. I can almost guarantee that in the first month you will recover the subscription cost with increased payments from your warranty claims or improved sales from the Service Menus.

Try the Online Warranty Time Guide program for 30 days at no charge and experience the "WOW" factor.


About Fixed-Ops

Let me take a couple of lines of print to introduce myself. I was a Service Manager/Director for over 30 years I started Fixed-ops when I was working as service manager for a very successful Toyota dealership.

In 1990 I went to a Toyota dealer and fell in love with the product. I have been with the Toyota product ever since. I have achieved all the awards Toyota offers, eight Service Excellence awards and seven Presidents awards. I went to the National 1998 Customer Relations finals in California, and though I didn't receive an award that time, I was proud to be able to attend.

During the years with Toyota I saw the number of vehicle models more than double. This meant that the warranty FRTG book (now books) also grew. Those old time Toyota service people may remember that we used actual books to look up warranty op codes, that was really fun. When I started, we did all repair orders by hand using repair orders and pens. Fast forward all service departments have PC's with Internet connections, some have bar code readers and even tablets. So, seeing the future, I thought why not use our new tools to make coding warranty claims easier and more accurate.

This project took on a life of it's own and once you try this warranty coding app you will probably never go back to the Toyota online coding system again, or at least that's my goal. Dealers wonder why the program is so inexpensive. Well, my thinking is, why not share my experience and knowledge of Toyota warranty coding, while making the cost affordable and user friendly. In the beginning, over 20 years ago, I based the cost of the Fixed-ops application on the what the cost of having two sets of FRTG books in the dealership. The annual cost has not changed a lot since then, the current annual price for a dealership is $350.00. This program is licensed with Toyota and we are provided quarterly updates that are included into the app almost immediately.

The ideas and comments from Toyota service managers and warranty administrators are always gladly received. The feedback received has been appreciated, and most of their suggestions have already been incorporated into the app. Adding your experiences to my own only makes this program work better for everyone.

Thank you for reading, and allowing me to introduce myself. I hope that knowing the person behind the program will make you feel comfortable asking me any questions you may have. More importantly, I hope you enjoy the Warranty Coding app as much as I have enjoyed bringing it together.



-John Dynan
Founder and Toyota Master Service Manager

We Have The Answer

This site offers the complete Toyota Warranty Time Guide (UFRM). Sometimes Toyota TPS is tough to use, we elimiate that problem. We designed this applicatin to make it easier and more profitable to code claims. The Fixed-ops app contains all Toyota/Lexus models from 1996 to present and is current to the latest information available from Toyota.

The Fixed-ops Warranty Time Guide will speed the coding and accuracy of your Toyota Warranty Claims. It is designed so that even the least experienced person should be able to code a repair operation for submission, in less than 30 seconds, without using the Toyota online warranty application. It's almost impossible to make a mistake coding a repair with this system.

  • Code warranty repairs and find the vehicles TSB's without leaving the Fixed-ops app.
  • Look up warranty times on your pc screen while still in the Repair order..
  • Great Tool for new ASM's to quickly learn the Toyota products.
  • Anyone can code a warranty operation in seconds.
  • Reduce op code errors and payroll adjustments, code it correctly the first time.
  • Designed and maintained by a Toyota Service Manager, someone who knows your coding needs.
  • The Source Book section will make you a genius when customers call for vehicle information.

Over 500 Toyota/Lexus dealers, from the smaller to the largest in the country, have not used their TPS screen since they discovered our program.

Contact Fixed-Ops
Warranty Time Guide Information
Warranty Time Guide Information
Tel. (800) 596-7507 or 410-924-1356